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Channel Partners

Country: Slovakia

City: Bratislava


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Vajnorská 98/D Bratislava 831 04

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Dodo Systems je oficiálnym partnerom ERP systému Odoo na Slovensku. Podpora a implementácia ERP systémov, tvorba Business Intelligence analýz.

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Implemento je partnerom informacného systém ERP systému Odoo pre Slovensko. Systém je vhodný pre výrobné firmy a oblast služieb. Demo verzia zdarma.

SOFTIP is one of the leading providers of IT products and services in Slovakia. 27 years of experience, more than 8,300 customers and 200 IT experts.

SLOVAKODATA, a.s. is a private join-stock company which was founded in 1994. Ever since its beginnings, it has been assisting its clients to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness through both the implementation of information systems based on world-class know-how as well as professional consulting in the field of advanced management techniques. Our main mission at Slovakodata, a.s. is to assume responsibility for the implementation and support of business information systems, an increasingly important tool in the successful management of financial institutions, public administration and manufacturing and distribution companies. SLOVAKODATA, a.s. plans to continue achieving this mission by successfully identifying and utilising opportunities in the Central European region. The company demonstrates the advantages presented by the application of modern management methods by way of clients that have already successfully implemented an integrated information system. It also ...

Našim klientom už dlhé roky dodávame CRM a portálové riešenia, BI ci webové a mobilné biznis aplikácie - všetko aj v cloude. Zistite o nich viac!

7 Sense - spolocnost pôsobiaca v oblasti analytického a strategického offline a online marketingu, obchodu, biznis modelov, inovatívnych produktov a technológií, dizajnu a proaktívneho vzdelávania.

ZUTOM sa špecializuje na poskytovanie riešení a služieb v oblasti cloud computingu a hostingu. Presunte tradicné aplikácie do cloudu a naštartujte nový biznis!